Sunday, October 23, 2011


maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a change many people have brought upon their lives, this movement towards living an organic and a healthier life has been progressively increasing due to the positive life changing rewards it offers. These rewards are along the lines of improving your health, feeling more energized, and above all you will feel and look young again.

By eating organically the food you will be in taking will have a much better nutritional value than normal food. This means that the food it self will have more vitamins that your body needs and less of what your body doesn’t need. Therefore your body receives the best possible nutritional value out of the food being consumed, which in return it makes you feel more energized, healthier, and younger. Other than the fact that organic food is healthier than normal food, it’s also been medically proven that it decreases the risk of getting sick.

 Eating organically is a key component for an organic lifestyle but there is a lot more to it, such as replacing bad habits for better one’s. One of the bad habits many people practice is smoking, no matter what positive short term affects it may have the long term affects easily out weight the short term one’s and causes severe damage. For example cancer, heart disease, lung infection, damage to reproductive organs, negative impact on blood circulation and respiratory diseases that can all cause death. All these diseases are in no way equated with a few minutes of relaxation. Even though quitting smoking is said to be harder to do than heroin and more addictive than heroin, it’s not impossible to do, it may be hard such as many things in life but it’s not impossible. Therefore I highly suggest for anyone that does smoke quite often to try and stop or if you feel that it’s not in your hands to stop then get help as soon as possible for your own sake, so you can live better, healthier and maintain an organic lifestyle.

 After reading this if you are interested to take initiative and to change your future for a more organic lifestyle then come aboard and join this movement.  A key start point once you make this decision is run a quick scan through your refrigerator and gets rid of all the “junk” food. By this I mean get rid of all the food that has no nutritional value or does more negative than positive. Then go shopping for alternatives to the food you normally eat but make sure it has an organic certification. Once you did so you have taken the first step to better your self and you future. I would like to congratulate you on your decision and tell you that you will not regret this change.

Why Should You Maintain an Organic Lifestyle?

Organically living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a change many people have brought upon their lives, this movement towards living an organic and a healthier life has been progressively increasing due to the positive life changing rewards it offers. These rewards are along the lines of improving your health, feeling more energized, and above all you will feel and look young again.

By eating organically the food you will be in taking will have a much better nutritional value than normal food. This means that the food it self will have more vitamins that your body needs and less of what your body doesn’t need. Therefore your body receives the best possible nutritional value out of the food being consumed, which in return it makes you feel more energized, healthier, and younger. Other than the fact that organic food is healthier than normal food, it’s also been medically proven that it decreases the risk of getting sick.

Eating organically is a key component for an organic lifestyle but there is a lot more to it, such as replacing bad habits for better one’s. One of the bad habits many people practice is smoking, no matter what positive short term affects it may have the long term affects easily out weight the short term one’s and causes severe damage. For example cancer, heart disease, lung infection, damage to reproductive organs, negative impact on blood circulation and respiratory diseases that can all cause death. All these diseases are in no way equated with a few minutes of relaxation. Even though quitting smoking is said to be harder to do than heroin and more addictive than heroin, it’s not impossible to do, it may be hard such as many things in life but it’s not impossible. Therefore I highly suggest for anyone that does smoke quite often to try and stop or if you feel that it’s not in your hands to stop then get help as soon as possible for your own sake, so you can live better, healthier and maintain an organic lifestyle.

Why Should Maintain Organic Lifestyle

Thursday, October 20, 2011



Switching to organic is tough for many families who don’t want to pay higher prices or give up their favorite foods. But by choosing organic versions of just a few foods that you eat often, you can increase the percentage of organic food in your diet without big changes to your shopping cart or your spending.

The key is to be strategic in your organic purchases. Opting for organic produce, for instance, doesn’t necessarily have a big impact, depending on what you eat. According to the Environmental Working Group, commercially-farmed fruits and vegetables vary in their levels of pesticide residue. Some vegetables, like broccoli, asparagus and onions, as well as foods with peels, such as avocados, bananas and oranges, have relatively low levels compared to other fruits and vegetables.

So how do you make your organic choices count? Pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, whose new book “Raising Baby Green” explains how to raise a child in an environmentally-friendly way, has identified a few “strategic” organic foods that he says can make the biggest impact on the family diet. 

1. Milk: “When you choose a glass of conventional milk, you are buying into a whole chemical system of agriculture,” says Dr. Greene. People who switch to organic milk typically do so because they are concerned about the antibiotics, artificial hormones and pesticides used in the commercial dairy industry. One recent United States Department of Agriculture survey found certain pesticides in about 30 percent of conventional milk samples and low levels in only one organic sample. The level is relatively low compared to some other foods, but many kids consume milk in large quantities.

2. Potatoes: Potatoes are a staple of the American diet — one survey found they account for 30 percent of our overall vegetable consumption. A simple switch to organic potatoes has the potential to have a big impact because commercially-farmed potatoes are some of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. A 2006 U.S.D.A. test found 81 percent of potatoes tested still contained pesticides after being washed and peeled, and the potato has one of the the highest pesticide contents of 43 fruits and vegetables tested, according to the Environmental Working Group.
3. Peanut butter: More acres are devoted to growing peanuts than any other fruits, vegetable or nut, according to the U.S.D.A. More than 99 percent of peanut farms use conventional farming practices, including the use of fungicide to treat mold, a common problem in peanut crops. Given that some kids eat peanut butter almost every day, this seems like a simple and practical switch. Commercial food firms now offer organic brands in the regular grocery store, but my daughter loves to go to the health food store and grind her own peanut butter.

4. Ketchup: For some families, ketchup accounts for a large part of the household vegetable intake. About 75 percent of tomato consumption is in the form of processed tomatoes, including juice, tomato paste and ketchup. Notably, recent research has shown organic ketchup has about double the antioxidants of conventional ketchup.

5. Apples: Apples are the second most commonly eaten fresh fruit, after bananas, and they are also used in the second most popular juice, after oranges, according to Dr. Greene. But apples are also one of the most pesticide-contaminated fruits and vegetables. The good news is that organic apples are easy to find in regular grocery stores.

Five Ways to Go Organic

Sunday, October 16, 2011


So what does a healthy lifestyle entail? According to the dictionary, lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and value of a person or group. A healthy lifestyle would be a way of living that would result in a healthy mind, body and spirit.
This website contains information on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyles comprise of:
  • Healthy eating-Eating food that are nutritional and good for the body like fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat diets, unrefined carbohydrates, etc. It includes avoiding food that is bad for you like refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcohol, etc. Eating in moderation is the essential component of healthy eating.
  • Health and Fitness-Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your body. Yoga has a therapeutic affect and also helps to reduce your stress level. Pilates are great for strengthening your “core” muscles which are situated around your midsection. You could consider some other forms of exercise like Tai Chi, martial arts and Qi Gong. It is essential that you incorporate any kind of exercises in to your daily life to help keep you fit and maintain your weight at a healthy level.
  • Managing stress efficiently is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle. Failure to manage stress effectively can harm your body and affect your relationship with others. If left unattended, stress can also lead to alcohol or drug addiction.
  • You cannot have a healthy lifestyle if you are depress and unhappy. Following your bliss is a must if you want to live a happy and joyful life. Doing what you are passionate about helps keep you motivated.
  • Alternative health options like herbal medicine, massage therapy, meditation, Ayurveda, reflexology, aromatherapy, etc, can benefit you and help you have a healthier lifestyle.

    There may be time in your life when you may be suffering from some minor health challenges and resorting to conventional medicine may not have provided satisfactory result. Or you may be healthy and just looking for some alternative ways to maintain your good health. Whatever your reasons, you could be led to decide upon looking toward alternative medicine for solution.
  • Sleeping right, having a positive outlook about life and having a balanced life are also the necessary components of a healthy lifestyle.

    If you go without sleep for a period of time, every area of your life will be ultimately affected. If it becomes a regular pattern in your life, you could endanger your health and reduce your overall performance. This can ultimately affect all other areas of your life, personal as well as professional.
Living a healthy lifestyle takes discipline. You must make up your mind and choose things that are good for you and your loved ones. It comes down to being committed to do what is good for your body, mind and spirit.
Living a healthy lifestyle involves taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. You need to arm yourself with appropriate knowledge that will ensure that you get the result you want.
The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your life are intertwine. For you to be happy and healthy, you need to keep all these aspects of your life balanced.
You should monitor what you do on a regular basis, to ensure that you are doing the right thing. If something is not right, you can make any necessary changes to help move you in the direction of your goal. With this in mind, working toward living a healthy lifestyle is achievable.

Healthy Lifestyle Truth

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why use Organic Beauty Products?


What you put on your skin eventually ends up in your body. Certified organic products are made with ingredients that are grown free of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organisms. They also don’t include harmful additives such as petroleum waxes, fillers and artificial chemicals. Simply put, certified organic products are completely healthy and natural, synthetic alternatives are not. 


Think of beauty products like food. In today’s world, there are a lot of synthetic, or “fake” ingredients used in food processing. But if you go to a high-end restaurant, you generally won’t find “fake” ingredients on the menu. Top chefs know that creating a top-quality meal requires top-quality ingredients. They don’t use artificial flavors in their cooking, because real spices and fresh herbs create a finer, more exquisite taste. Producing a beauty product is not much different.Certified organic beauty products work better simply because they are made with superior ingredients.


Organic farming eliminates the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers, all of which have a destructive effect on our water, soil and health. Organic plants are also grown without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as they may pose a significant threat to both human and environmental health. Therefore, through looking out for your own health, you’re also helping to protect our fragile ecosystem. That is what they call a “win-win” situation. 

Why Organic Beauty Product? 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why Choose Organic Food?

While it might seem like a new trend, organic food has actually been around for a lot longer than the food that we’re accustomed to eating.
This is food that is grown and nurtured in a natural manner, so as not to upset the growing process or the person who’s eating it.

But with more and more labels claiming to be ‘natural’ and ‘organic,’ it can become confusing when you’re in a grocery store aisle.

And when you see that the prices are slightly higher than ‘normal’ food, you may wonder if it’s even worth a second look.

What defines organic food?

Organic food is defined as foods that do not undergo any chemical processing, either in the growing process or in the harvesting process. These are foods that do not contain pesticides or insecticides, fertilizers and other toxins.
When you see organic food that is pre-packaged, this means that each of the ingredients is also processed using organic methods. However, you need to look for packages that include the term ‘100%’ or ‘certified’ organic in order to know that all of the ingredients are organic.
When a package just includes the now generic term of organic, it can mean that only a portion of the ingredients are processed in this way.

Why choose organic food?

But many people are turned off by the higher prices that organic food seems to have. And with the lessened processing, these prices don’t seem justified. However, the reason behind the slightly higher prices is that these are farms that cannot produce as much yield as those that utilize chemicals.
Many fertilizers will allow farms to grow many more stalks of corn, for example. But when you take away this fertilizer to grow organic corn, you can only get half as much – and in doing so, the farmer needs to charge more. There are also some restrictions as to how much money these smaller and sometimes family run farms get from government sources. Without the added financial help, these farms can not make any profits without increasing their overall prices.

Support Your Local farmer 

In choosing organic food, you are also supporting local farmers (in most cases) that are growing healthier foods. The food that you eat should not contain added toxins and chemicals. Some studies have shown that eating large quantities of these kinds of ingredients can lead to a multitude of problems – some cancers, diseases, and other illnesses.
The toxins can build up in your body and start to harm healthy cells. And this is no wonder, considering nature never intended for us to eat chemicals that have been added to our food. In addition, many people are sensitive to these kinds of chemicals, so eating organic food allows them to avoid any harmful reactions they might have otherwise.

What are the health benefits of eating organic food?

But the truth is that organic food has many of the same benefits of eating ‘normal’ foods.
When you choose an apple (organic or not) over a candy bar, you’re making a healthier choice for your body. 
However, organic food can have additional benefits:
  • Better tasting foods
  • No preservatives
  • More seasonal choices
  • More vitamins and minerals
  • More water content
  • Brighter colors and appearance
  • Less allergic reactions possible
  • Cleaner, fresher foods
Organic food tastes better than the mass produced foods too because it’s not forced to ripen in order to arrive at a store ready to sell. Organic foods are typically harvested when they are ripe, and then shipped to local stores for customers to buy immediately – preserving the freshness, flavor, and maximum vitamin content.

Organic products

Besides organic food, you can also find a number of organic products that include organic ingredients. You can find everything from shampoo to face cream, soap to laundry detergent in many local stores. This can allow you to reduce the overall toxins that you come into contact with, further increasing your health and your vitality.
And organic food isn’t limited to the small little heath food stores anymore; many larger grocer chains are now carrying organic foods – sometimes at better prices than at the smaller stores. Many retailers are seeing that people want to have the opportunity to eat healthier, more wholesome foods, so they’re offering more choices – at prices that you might be surprised to read.

Why Organic Food?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Maintain your health and beauty and there are natural ways to do it. You do not have to take the help of harsh cosmetics and other ways which has side effects. We all want to look beautiful and feel beautiful. It appeals to us. The want is quite natural. If you are healthy, you will automatically look beautiful - there is no need to take an extra effort. Thus Health beauty care is a concept which encompasses the truth of remaining healthy in a beautiful way and follows the various natural ways to do it.
Some tips to remain healthy

   1. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday.
   2. Practice exercise at intervals - at least 5 to 6 minutes for about three times in a day.
   3. Practice deep breathing on a regular basis, it cures all ailments.
   4. Do not take late meals.
   5. Organic green tea is good for health - have at least once in a day.
   6. Eat two apples in a day.
   7. Milk products should be included in your diet regimen - as they help in loosing weight.
   8. Pulses are rich in proteins; have them in your diet.
   9. Practice aromatherapy and steam inhalation - they will rejuvenate you and make you clean.

Some tips to remain beautiful

   1. Keep splashing water on your face at regular breaks. The pores will stay unclogged and you will feel hydrated.
   2. Setting aside the moisturizer from the market, use a smashed banana with cream and honey. It acts as a good moisturizer.
   3. Use castor oil as a moisturizer. It can be applied on face and dry elbows, knees and heels. They will be softened. Wash it off with lukewarm water after keeping them for a while.
   4. Add a drop of olive oil to your bath water in winters to prevent your skin from drying.
   5. Paste of lettuce leaf, a small rose and lime juice will help you from not getting a greasy skin. It can be applied on the face and later washed off.
   6. Use cucumber as it cools and cleanses your skin.
   7. Use a slice of raw potato to remove dark circles.
   8. Have carrot, beetroot and celery juice - they will keep your skin radiant.
   9. To do away with dull teeth and to whiten them - use half a lemon dipped in salt.
  10. Use almond oil to condition your hair.
  11. If you have rough hair, soften it with beer or vinegar.
  12. Have at least 8 glasses of water in a day.

Organic health and body care