Everyone knows that for good health, your body needs a healthy well balanced diet. This is no different when talking about the best food for healthy hair. For strong healthy hair, you need to make sure your diet has the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, iron, carbohydrates, and protein.
Hair is made of protein. A strand of hair is a made up of layers of intertwined keratin (an extremely strong protein) that grows from your hair follicles. Therefore, good hair nutrition requires a diet that has enough protein. Complex carbohydrates are also essential to help assemble the proteins for proper hair growth.
To give your hair follicles high energy, start your day with a high protein food source such as eggs or egg whites or chicken (white meat). If your diet allows, eat red meat at least three times per week. Red meat has the protein you need for healthy hair. It is chock full of iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Bacon is another good choice. Although bacon is higher in fat calories, it too is full of B vitamins and protein. A lower calorie option may be salmon. Salmon is a great protein choice for any meal.
Include complex carbohydrates in your meals along with your favorite choice of protein. They will give you energy over a longer period of time. A good example is brown short-grain rice, whole wheat breads, fruits, vegetables, and oats. These are great sources of vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair growth.
More examples of complex carbohydrate foods (GOOD):
Oranges Buckwheat Grapefruit
Lettuce Pinto beans Apples
Okra Cabbage Celery
Broccoli Onions Eggplant
Skim milk Navy beans Cauliflower
Yogurt Prunes Spinach
Carrots Soybeans Split peas
Above all, limit the amount of simple carbohydrates you consume. These are not hair healthy and contain “empty” calories that are less nutritious, less satisfying and usually more fattening. Some examples are bread, pasta, and baked goods made with white flour. Also pretty much any pre- packaged convenience foods.
More examples of simple carbohydrate foods (BAD):
Table sugar Corn syrup Candy
Cake Soda Most packaged cereals
These are simple healthy eating tips. Not only good for your hair health, but also good for your overall physical health. The idea is simple. For the best hair health, make sure you are putting healthy food into your body. Think of your hair as you would a flower garden. Give it good food and it will grow healthy. Feed it garbage and you will get garbage in return.
Best Food for Healthy Hair
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